I just got my Blick shipment today of Art Boards and matts.
I love getting new art supplies.
I'm ordering some prints for open studios and am looking foward to their arival.
One of my co-workers (Shannon O'Connor) published an artical about the Boston Arts festival and
some of my work in The Mass Media www.the-mass-media.com .
I will post it on my website.
I now have a Cafe Press store with some buttons and T-shirts
The Boston arts festival went really well last weekend. I got two interviews, one for cable access and one from my starbucks friend. I really do not interview that well, but it was good to have the experience.
I also got a offer to show at a coffee shop out of town, wich I will most likely do if I have the time and enough work.
I sold a lot of paintings and now I do not have much work for open studios. I do have a few more days off than usual and some almost finished paintings, but I also have a wedding to attend up in Maine wich will take up a little time but should be fun.
Open studios should be really good this year, a lot more artists moved into our building and I feel that I have a more well-rounded body of work. Prints seem to work really well to cut down on my stress level and fill that gap of lower priced pieces. They also help show a broader representation of my work if I have sold out of most of my 0rignals.
-yay prints!